Monday 9 April 2018

Best Tips to Get Rid of Tooth Decay

If you are worried about your health then you are probably older or living in 2021.  It has been a wild ride, and much suffering has taken place for a false sense of security.  But what I have seen is that it can be worth it to suffer a little to save lots of suffering in the long run.  It is a sad truth of life and that can be a good thing when it comes to your dental health. I know that to me it is totally worth it to lower the food and drinks that I intake during the holidays to save my teeth lots of struggles in a few years.  I have found this to be the absolute truth during the last few years and I much enjoy not spending thousands of dollars on dental visits and surgeries simply by not eating and drinking as much of the things I love during the holidays.  This is simply a fact of life in that growing up gives you choices that are not always great but can have great consequences. Tooth decay is a terrible thing and I want to help others fight it.  So here are a few tips of mine that I try to implement in my life to fight tooth decay. 

Your diet is really key in most areas of health.  Your teeth are no different.  So watching what you drink can have a major impact on your dental health.  It sounds very simple, but you may need to try to substitute a little more of the salad bar or celery snacks instead of cookies and pie this year. I know that we all love our family's classic dishes or things that our friends make, but it is important that we not overindulge and end up putting sugar and acid on our teeth way too much.  I think that it is a good thing to enjoy the holidays, but not great to overindulge and to put our teeth at risk.  As with all things balance is key in life.  You can enjoy the sweet treats and drinks, but moderation and a good dental regime are key to combatting those times. 

If you are not drinking a lot of water a day then you need to be doing it.  Especially, when you are at a party this easter or upcoming holiday season.  This means that I am attempting to drink a glass of water for each sweet drink or alcoholic beverage I have.  My goal is to help clean my teeth by rinsing them off with water constantly.  This is a great way to help your teeth stay clean and to fight away the food particles and sugary drinks that are clinging to your teeth and are eating away at your enamel. Drinking water can help you in so many beneficial ways.  So add it to your daily life, even during parties and holiday times.

What it does is keep your body hydrated and running smoothly.  This means that your body will produce the correct amount of saliva during these holidays as well.  With this, you can double down on keeping your mouth clean because the saliva actually keeps your mouth clean as well.  it is your body's natural mouth wash and helps to get those nasty tooth-eating substances off your teeth.   So keep an extra bottle of water around make it a plan to keep a cup of water with you during the parties.  It is always a money-saving venture when it comes to your dental health in the long run!

Thursday 10 August 2017

Most Common Reasons For Bleeding Gums

Seeing your gums bleed when you brush or floss can be scary. At that time, you may be curious to know the reason behind this bleeding. There can be various causes for your gums to bleed when you brush. In some cases, the bleeding may be due to a temporary condition, while in some cases, the underlying condition can be a cause of concern. You will be able to know about these reasons in detail during a dental visit. In this article, we will briefly discuss the top reasons why your gums may bleed.


Gingivitis, better known as the first-stage gum disease, refers to a condition that involves irritation in your gum line due to plaque formation. This irritation makes the gum susceptible to bleed when you brush or floss. Gingivitis results in the swelling and tenderness of gums. Fortunately, you can reverse gingivitis by practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly.


According to the American Dental Association, the use of blood-thinning medications is one of the leading causes of bleeding gums, especially when you brush your teeth. Using these medications reduces the ability of your blood to clot significantly. You may want to discuss this issue with your dentist to know whether or not you need to find an alternative.

New flossing routine

Changing your flossing routine or starting it for the first time might also result in the bleeding of your gums. It is because your gums will take some time to adapt to a flossing routine or a change in this routine. The bleeding will subside as soon as your gums adapt to a flossing routine.

New toothbrush

Your dentist may suggest you to use a hard-bristled toothbrush at any point to promote effective cleaning. This change can result in the bleeding of your gums. This phenomenon is pretty similar to that related to the change in the flossing routine. If your gums continue to bleed after some time of changing your toothbrush, you may want to switch to a toothbrush with relatively softer bristles. You may want to discuss this issue with your dentist.

Pregnancy gingivitis

Pregnant women generally get swelling in their gums, which become more susceptible to bleed during brushing. This condition is generally known as pregnancy gingivitis. It is mainly due to the hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy. These hormonal changes alter the body’s response to bacterial infections. According to the American Pregnancy Association, these symptoms are not permanent and should clear away after pregnancy. Sticking to the best oral hygiene practice can help prevent gum problems from getting worse.

It is pertinent to note bleeding in the gums mostly occurs due to gingivitis, which is a mild and more manageable form of gum disease. But it doesn’t mean that a patient may become careless to the consequences of ignoring this condition. Leaving this problem untreated can lead to the symptoms becoming worse, which may represent an advanced form of gum disease. Advanced gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is not as manageable as gingivitis. It requires more aggressive treatment, which may involve deeper cleaning and, sometimes, a minor surgical treatment.

Saturday 3 June 2017

Does Anyone Else Struggle With Canker Sores??

So I have a bit of a rant to get out. I absolutely hate getting canker sores. They are such an annoying and disruptive part of my day and I seem to get them more than the average person. There have been times where I have had upwards of 4 or 5 canker sores at one time all over my tongue, lips, and cheeks, making it impossible for me to enjoy eating and even hard to have conversations with people! What an annoying way to live life. I did a little research into what canker sores are because I was just very confused why I was even getting them. Apparently, canker sores are small ulcers that can form in the mouth, and are white in the middle surrounded by redness in the mouth. There are apparently two kinds of canker sores: simple canker sores, which are what most people get, and complex canker sores, which are less common.

The thing about canker sores is that they usually go away, so it’s not worth trying to go to the dentist or something to get your mouth looked at. Instead, you usually just have to sit through the pain and do your best not to go insane with the annoyance of having random jolts of pain running through your mouth. What’s crazy is that the exact cause of canker sores is not known. How can we not figure these things out?? With all the modern technology and dentistry advancements we have in 2021, you’d think at least one dental expert would have figured it out by now. Unfortunately, we are only left with some possible causes that might affect some people. These include things like stress or minor injury to the inside of the mouth - like if you were to bite down on your tongue on accident. Or maybe you burned your mouth while drinking coffee at work; I did this my first day on the job because I was nervous. 

Eating highly citrus or acidic foods, like oranges or lemons or limes, can also be a cause of getting canker sores. Similarly, it is possible to get canker sores from eating really spicy foods like some hot ramen noodles, chinese, or mexican food. In some rare cases, I read that it’s even possible to have a fever or physical fatigue in the event of some canker sores! I have never experienced this myself, and I don’t know if I would be emotionally capable of handling that. I have my dentist on speed dial just in case I need to head into his office for a canker sore emergency. My dentist is a super nice guy and is very patient with all my hypochondriac needs.

The best way to treat canker sores, from what I’ve found, is through using topical gels or creams that you can just lather on to those suckers. I mean really go to war with those things - it’s you or them. My personal favorite is Oragel, which is something my mom always had on hand while I was growing up. I make sure to have Oragel everywhere I go. I have an Oragel stash in every room of my house, as well as my car, my office at work, and some emergency Oragel supplies in my backpack and wallet. I won’t be caught dead without my sweet, precious Oragel. 

Saturday 5 November 2016

Tooth Bonding Treatment – Its Procedure and Care After the Treatment

Tooth Bonding

When a person has a crack or broken tooth, he/she needs the bonding treatment to repair it. The tooth bonding fixes the small to big issues of the teeth like chipped tooth, crooked tooth, or a short tooth that makes you uncomfortable. Usually, the teeth bonding treatment repairs the minor damages of the teeth that make the line uneven. This is a simple, inexpensive, and cozy treatment. It restores the shape of the broken tooth and makes the weak teeth strong.

Moreover, dental bonding is an affordable and quick treatment. It does not take too much time. Right after the procedure, you will get a newly repaired tooth. Another best part of this treatment is that the results can last for a longer period. The bonding solution does wear away quickly. Moreover, if you look after oral health and hygiene, it will show you some unexpected results. The tooth bonding procedure takes only thirty minutes or an hour. Usually, it requires only 30 mins, and you get the desired results, right after the application of the bonding formula. It gives instant results and provides you an even smile.

Before Treatment

As I said earlier, not every tooth needs the bonding procedure. If you have a minor crack or any other issues, then the dentist will suggest tooth bonding. It cannot restore the entire tooth or a molar. If a person has an absent tooth or broken enamel, then you might need veneers or crown treatment. Moreover, if you have chipped front teeth, your entire tooth is broken, then also the dentist will suggest another procedure. When you go through the tooth bonding, you cannot put pressure on the front teeth. You need to eat and chew your meal with a low force to sustain the bonding. It usually appears on the front teeth; thus, you need to grind the morsel from molars. Try to make less use of front teeth after getting the bonding treatment. Moreover, when your dentist diagnosis the problem in your teeth, he/she suggests the best procedure of repair for teeth. Sometimes, the tooth bonding is not for you, you need veneers or a crown.

The Procedure of Tooth Bonding

Dentists cement a resin solution on the broken or damaged tooth. Then they fill the cracks and gaps and harden and molded the tooth. The cementing formula has your natural teeth’s color. Therefore, you cannot distinguish the artificial resin from your organic teeth. To give your tooth the original shape, dentists use different tools (Dremel). Moreover, they also use their hands (with gloves) to fix the cement. It takes a few minutes to adopt the position and get fixed to your teeth.

The procedure does not give you pain; however, you feel a sensation in your mouth. Due to the Dremel machine, you realize a slight movement of discomfort. Moreover, until they adhere to the resin, you will feel roughness on the teeth. The tooth bonding treatment usually does not need numbness. However, if you have severe damage and the procedure will take a longer time than usual, then a dentist can give you an injection to numb the area.

To fix the resin, dentists use a special light on the tooth. It does not give you any sensitivity or pain. This makes the formula hard, fix, and gives you a smooth final touch.

Care After the Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding is a strong procedure for your damaged and cracked teeth; however, if you do not treat them with care, they might get broken. Especially, the front teeth are fragile, and usually, they have the resin formula; thus, you should exert low pressure on them while eating. Some people have a bad habit of chewing their lips through the front teeth. This also can break the bonding solution. Moreover, avoid foods that can make your teeth weak.

Dental Implant and Role of an Abutment

Dental Implants

When a person has a lost tooth, the dentist suggests him/her a dental implant treatment to restore the teeth’s appearance and give an even smile. They have placed in the roots of the missing teeth. They have a metallic screw structure and shape. They fix the problem and make the tooth strong. They fill the gap of your natural teeth and perform the organic functions of the teeth. Moreover, the implants have three parts. These sections are responsible for sturdy construction and fixation in the root. One of the slices of implants is the abutment. This is one of the primary chunks of dental implants.

Dentures are another procedure that can fix the lost tooth problem. However, in a few cases, you need dental implant treatment to repair the issue. Another therapy is dental bridges, it also replaces the gap and gives you a new tooth and even teeth. Well, a dentist decides the treatment for a patient according to the affordability of the person and the symptoms. Every tooth loss does not have the same issues and requires a dental implant. Some tooth replacement needs dentures or dental bridges surgeries.

The Procedure of Dental Implants

The dental implant needs surgery, it can take more than one hour. It requires the installation of a metal (a screw-shaped) into the roots of the lost tooth. Therefore, first, the dentist will numb the entire area. He/she will give you two injections in the gums. When the whole mouth gets anesthetic, then the dentist will start the procedure.

Dentists identify and find the exact location of the root. As they will have to insert the metal deep in the origin. However, they will install the implant in the bone of the tooth. They will use a tool, shaped like a screwdriver to inject the metal in the jaw bone or root. Then, they will place a tooth-shaped crown on the implant. This will help you in speaking and chewing the food. Your artificial dental implant will play an organic function while taking and eating. Moreover, the surgery will give you pain once the effects of injections wear away. Moreover, you might feel minor wounds in the gums and roots. This will take time to heal. You will also feel pangs for one or two weeks. Your dentist will recommend you some painkillers and antibiotics. However, you will require a regular visit to the clinic, until you get better.


It is a connecting feature that will hold the crown in the jaw. An abutment will protect the implant. The metal has the primary ingredient and that is titanium. However, the crown has the following elements, including metal, zirconia, porcelain, and ceramic.

Moreover, dental implant surgery needs a healthy jawbone. If a person has weak roots, then the treatment is not appropriate for them. If a patient does not have a sturdy bone in the jaw, the dentist will perform a bone graft procedure. In this operation, doctors will take a small bone from another part of the body, then they will insert that piece in the root of the tooth, they will perform the dental implant procedure. This will support the metal, jawbone, and crown.

Role of the Abutment

After the insertion of the metal in the jawbone, the dentist will place the abutment. The fixation of the metal-post will require two to three months. Well, they can use any material of the abutments, like titanium, gold, stainless steel, zirconia, and polyether ether ketone. It depends on the need and support of your roots and jawbones. Dentists will decide the material on their own. They know what is better for your gums and teeth. They have natural shapes and colors. These are ideal crowns for the lost tooth.

Zirconia Crown – Advantages and Disadvantages

A dental crown is one of the best solutions for the protection of enamel and torn tooth. It can cover the entire teeth’s outer surface and shield them from external bacteria and wear tear. Moreover, it also makes the teeth bright, white, and shiny. Dental crowns are used as a cosmetic treatment to support straighten teeth. After the placement of dental implants, dentists cover the tooth with the crown to protect the filling.

When it comes to the materials of dental crowns, gold, resin, and porcelain are a few common and famous names. However, with the advancement of technology, sculptors and dentists are into something new and different. Now, you might have heard about the zirconia crown. This is an advanced material that provides a natural look of porcelain of the dental crowns.

The zircon blends with the porcelain and gives a sturdy metal. The zirconia crowns exhibit a natural look of porcelain material. Now, it has become one of the safe and popular options in the dental crown. Moreover, it is one of the strong tooth repair treatment.

Background of Zirconia Crown

The dental crowns are customary from the era of ancient Etruscans. According to the American Dental Association, dental crowns are familiar since 200 AD. It had been used to restore the broken tooth’s structure in the previous times as well. Moreover, they also protect the enamel and make the teeth strong. Due to the application of dental crowns, they can function in a better way and make them glossy.

In ancient times, in the making of the crowns or caps cast gold and alloy were used. Due to the gold element, they have become strongest to withstand the pressure of grinding food. However, to change the golden color, dentists have mixed the porcelain to give it a natural touch and organic off-white color.  No doubt, this is a fragile material that cannot protect the enamel alone. Therefore, the dental association has launched something robust and natural.

Zirconia is a new ceramic alike material. It provides strength to the enamel and the entire structure of the tooth. Moreover, it also represents the natural color of teeth. No one can know that you have something extra or cosmetic on the tooth. It allows an aesthetic and organic treatment for the teeth. However, it might have a few advantages and disadvantages. We have a list and of its strengthening abilities and performance attributes.

Advantages of Zirconia Crown

The following are the advantages of the zirconia dental crowns:

·       The zirconia dental crowns have organic off-white and white colors. They can match your natural teeth. No one can know that you have something cosmetic on the enamel.

·       Moreover, zircon is an extremely robust material and work in the best manner.

·       It can protect the teeth and enamel than anything else.

·       The zirconia crowns require less material in the preparation.

·       Moreover, it has a mixture of porcelain to enhance the appearance and color of organic teeth.

·       The cementing and bonding of the zirconia crowns are easy and have multiple options for the dentists.

·       The preparation of the zirconia crown is quick. Thus, a person can have these caps in only one visit. A dentist can prepare them within no time.

·       It is a time-saving aesthetic treatment for the protection of the teeth.

Disadvantages of Zirconia Crown

The following are the few disadvantages of the zirconia crowns:

·       It is opaque; therefore, sometimes it cannot match your teeth, especially if you have a yellow color.

·       Zirconia is a strong material; thus, a few times dentist cannot apply it properly, then it gives a rough experience in biting the morsel.

·         It also requires an expert's hands for the adjustment and proper application.

Best Tips to Get Rid of Tooth Decay

If you are worried about your health then you are probably older or living in 2021.  It has been a wild ride, and much suffering has taken p...