Saturday, 5 November 2016

Tooth Bonding Treatment – Its Procedure and Care After the Treatment

Tooth Bonding

When a person has a crack or broken tooth, he/she needs the bonding treatment to repair it. The tooth bonding fixes the small to big issues of the teeth like chipped tooth, crooked tooth, or a short tooth that makes you uncomfortable. Usually, the teeth bonding treatment repairs the minor damages of the teeth that make the line uneven. This is a simple, inexpensive, and cozy treatment. It restores the shape of the broken tooth and makes the weak teeth strong.

Moreover, dental bonding is an affordable and quick treatment. It does not take too much time. Right after the procedure, you will get a newly repaired tooth. Another best part of this treatment is that the results can last for a longer period. The bonding solution does wear away quickly. Moreover, if you look after oral health and hygiene, it will show you some unexpected results. The tooth bonding procedure takes only thirty minutes or an hour. Usually, it requires only 30 mins, and you get the desired results, right after the application of the bonding formula. It gives instant results and provides you an even smile.

Before Treatment

As I said earlier, not every tooth needs the bonding procedure. If you have a minor crack or any other issues, then the dentist will suggest tooth bonding. It cannot restore the entire tooth or a molar. If a person has an absent tooth or broken enamel, then you might need veneers or crown treatment. Moreover, if you have chipped front teeth, your entire tooth is broken, then also the dentist will suggest another procedure. When you go through the tooth bonding, you cannot put pressure on the front teeth. You need to eat and chew your meal with a low force to sustain the bonding. It usually appears on the front teeth; thus, you need to grind the morsel from molars. Try to make less use of front teeth after getting the bonding treatment. Moreover, when your dentist diagnosis the problem in your teeth, he/she suggests the best procedure of repair for teeth. Sometimes, the tooth bonding is not for you, you need veneers or a crown.

The Procedure of Tooth Bonding

Dentists cement a resin solution on the broken or damaged tooth. Then they fill the cracks and gaps and harden and molded the tooth. The cementing formula has your natural teeth’s color. Therefore, you cannot distinguish the artificial resin from your organic teeth. To give your tooth the original shape, dentists use different tools (Dremel). Moreover, they also use their hands (with gloves) to fix the cement. It takes a few minutes to adopt the position and get fixed to your teeth.

The procedure does not give you pain; however, you feel a sensation in your mouth. Due to the Dremel machine, you realize a slight movement of discomfort. Moreover, until they adhere to the resin, you will feel roughness on the teeth. The tooth bonding treatment usually does not need numbness. However, if you have severe damage and the procedure will take a longer time than usual, then a dentist can give you an injection to numb the area.

To fix the resin, dentists use a special light on the tooth. It does not give you any sensitivity or pain. This makes the formula hard, fix, and gives you a smooth final touch.

Care After the Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding is a strong procedure for your damaged and cracked teeth; however, if you do not treat them with care, they might get broken. Especially, the front teeth are fragile, and usually, they have the resin formula; thus, you should exert low pressure on them while eating. Some people have a bad habit of chewing their lips through the front teeth. This also can break the bonding solution. Moreover, avoid foods that can make your teeth weak.

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